The Red Like Roses OPI collection was launched for Valentine’s Day in 2007. On the 14th of February, when the world is all about red hearts, pink candy boxes and crimson roses, this collection was the perfect choice if you wanted to paint your nails with one of its hearty red shades.
The name “Red Like Roses” was inspired by Parker Merritt, a young boy who had leukemia. In the hospital, Parker would hold his mother’s hand and stroke her nails, on which she wore OPI nail polish. Parker loved her nails colored red, and would always say, “Oh, Mom, I want your nails to be red like roses!” When OPI received a letter from Parker’s aunt, Julie Garner, telling them the story of the brave little boy, at OPI they were so moved that created a nail lacquer called Red Like Roses.
It included 9 OPI nail polishes of soft rose petal colors. Recently the Red Like Roses collection has been discontinued. Some of its shades are now included in OPI Classic Collection.
The “Red Like Roses” collection colors:
Red Like RosesThe perfect bright red with a subtle shimmer. |
Heart of GoldSometimes described as “Gold love dust” with sprinkles and a clear shimmer. |
Mother Road RosePurpley mauve nail polish with a pink shimmer. A beautiful everyday color. |