Today I have a thermo nail polish for you: please welcome Rain from the Mortal Kombat collection by Dance Legend:
Instagram & NOTD: Dance Legend Albion
That’s right, I’m officially on Instagram now! To be honest I’ve had an account there for quite a while, but I had zero posts and I was hardly ever online. However recently I’ve been asked several times whether I have IG or not, so I thought I’d change my attitude towards the network and start […]
Dance Legend Mist Way #05 Get Bored
The polish of the last two days for me was a light blue flakie Get Bored by Dance Legend. The name is a bit strange for such a color, because imo this pale blue has nothing to do with boriness.
Dance Legend Candy Flakes #614 Final Fantasy
When I was suggested to pick a few polishes for review from a new Dance Legend collection called Candy Flakes, I was at a loss which ones to choose. Seriously, they all looked pretty awesome in the promo pictures. However, I picked Final Fantasy not because of its color (which is amazing by the way), […]
Dance Legend Candy Flakes #610 Bite Tonight
Dance Legend Bite Tonight is one of those burgundy vamp nail polishes that would be perfect for a sleeping Transylvanian beauty, and I mean it in a good sense :)
Dance Legend #613 Sun Still Sleeps
Another beauty I got from Dance Legend :) It’s a blue based flake glitter called Sun Still Sleeps: