OPI Take a Right on Bourbon NL N59

OPI Take a Right on Bourbon NL N59

As the title suggests, the post is about a OPI New Orleans 2016 shade, a champagne metallic Take a Right on Bourbon.

OPI Take a Right on Bourbon NL N59

As you can see, this shiny metallic beauty is streaky. I haven’t tried the sponging method of applying metallics, maybe it’ll work.. or maybe not. One thing I can say for sure, you won’t be able to avoid streaks if you apply the polish with its brush. I knew about the application problems when I chose Bourbon for review and I was ready for it. I still like the polish, because in real life the streaks are almost invisible, and people will see how lovely your frosty metallic nails shine :)

The pics show 3 thin coats of OPI Take a Right on Bourbon, with a hand painted geometric nail design.

OPI Take a Right on Bourbon NL N59

OPI Take a Right on Bourbon was sent to me for review from OPI Russia (Verbena), a big ‘thank you’ and hugs go to their wonderful team :)

OPI Take a Right on Bourbon NL N59

Thank you for looking! :)

4 Comment

  1. Jana says: Reply

    I love your design! It’s so minimalistic and elegant!
    And the streaks are only visible if you are really looking for it – which is not going to happen with this colour and this design!


    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you, Jana! :) Lately I’ve been into minimalistic nail art, and I love it! :)

  2. Amazing manicure, very elegant! :-)

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you dear :))

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