Be’Love BP 047 / 054

Be'Love BP 047 / 054

I have not one but two Be’Love nail polishes to show you today. They looked so great together when they stood next to each other on the dressing table, that I knew I must combine the colours in a manicure.

Be'Love BP 047 / 054

Be’Love 047 and 054 in a “bottoms up’ pic:

Be'Love BP 047 / 054

Both polishes applied in 3 thin coats, and it’s possible to get away with just 2 coats if you make them thick enough. Formula-wise they were good, neither thick or thin. The only thing I failed to understand was their brushes’ shape.

White squares are hand painted, and then outlined with a thin nail art brush. The flowers are black water decals, also outlined with the brush, because the decals weren’t vivid enough against the colourful background. All is sealed with a top coater.

Be’Love nail polish swatches and nail art are posted daily on Instagram here, so if you are curious to see more colours of these brand, just click the link :)

Be'Love BP 047 / 054

Thank you for looking!

6 Comment

  1. Paula says: Reply

    I never thought a salmon-peachy polish could look so good! :)

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you so much Paula! I’m not a fan of salmon-peachy polishes either, but this colour turned out to be quite good looking when paired with a mint :)

  2. I like the mint polish and I love the final effect of the manicure! :-)

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you dear! I liked the mint one too, I think I’ll use it in a nail art some time soon :)

  3. Love how you’ve paired the colors with the water decals!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you Ina! The decals are quite pretty, I still have some of those flowers left, so I might use them again some day..

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