Black and white abstract nails with HEHE 028 stamping plate

HEHE 028 stamping plate

If you follow my blog you might have noticed that I don’t stamp much. When it comes to nail art I prefer nail decals and hand painted designs.

HEHE 028 stamping plate

However, I do have stamping supplies and I often add new plates to my stamping plates collection. I like having all those plates and other tools for stamping when I get the occasional desire to do so.

HEHE 028 stamping plate

Today I’d love to show you a new plate I got from Lady Queen make up and beauty store, HEHE 028:

HEHE 028 stamping plate

Nothing much to tell you about the plate except that it’s of a good quality, just like any other plates that I got from the web store. The patterns are detailed and all season appropriate. Leaves and waves are great for summer and spring, while plaid patterns are meant for cold weather and even for Christmas.

The plate can be found at Lady Queen beauty store here, it’s current price is $2.99 with free shipping worldwide. Also, the coupon code SSAX15 will give you 15% off your purchase, so feel free to use it if you like anything there :)

HEHE 028 stamping plate

Thank you for looking! See you soon ;)

1 Comment

  1. Truly stunning!

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