Two designs featuring ORLY Glow

I doubt I’d ever bought ORLY Glow if it wasn’t for one of those “buy one and get one free” deals in the local beauty store. Together with this nude I got a super cheerful coral nail polish that I’ll show you later, and today I have 2 nail looks that I did using Glow and acrylic paints.

Blue flowers on nude nails

This nude ORLY might not be unique, but never the less it’s a very cozy nail polish for everyday, plus it can also serve as a base for nail art.

For the first design I applied ORLY Glow in 2 coats over naked nails, and then I spiced the look up with a floral pattern done with a blue acrylic paint.

Floral nail design on nude

For the second nail design I used ORLY Glow (2 coats again) as a base and then I painted flowers and branches with white and brown acrylic paints.

ORLY Glow swatches and design

That’s it :) Thank you for looking!

10 Comment

  1. I like nudes under the nailart – here the blue contrast nicely and I love the first version.

    1. Mari says: Reply

      That makes two of us, I love nail art on neutral bases too :)

  2. Cindi says: Reply

    I really love the second design. The floral vines are pretty and the blue on beige looks like a china pattern, but that tan/brown camo/floral/cracked rock design really grabs me. I know you said it’s flowers and branches, but I’m not seeing branches ha ha ha.

    1. Mari says: Reply

      lol that means I’m really bad at painting branches, but I’m glad you liked the design anyways :D
      Thank you Cindi <3

  3. Елена@polishmadness says: Reply

    В первом маникюре очень необычное сочетание цветов, ярко и красиво. Оба варианта нравятся!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Рада, что вам понравилось :)

  4. I like both manicures, maybe my favourite could be the second manicure :-) I really like Orly Glow :-)

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Yes, it’s a nice nude.. perhaps a bit boring on its own but its perfect as a neutral base

  5. it’s a nice nude :) and I like the nail art on it too :)

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you Ana :)

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