Dance Legend Candy Flakes #614 Final Fantasy

When I was suggested to pick a few polishes for review from a new Dance Legend collection called Candy Flakes, I was at a loss which ones to choose. Seriously, they all looked pretty awesome in the promo pictures. However, I picked Final Fantasy not because of its color (which is amazing by the way), but mostly because of the name. In case you don’t know, Final Fantasy is a world wide known series of video games, and I love video games!

Last week we finished FFXIII and now we are somewhere close to the middle of FFXIII-2 where Serah and Noel find Snow in the Sunleth Waterscape. I think I like Snow-2 better than the original Snow *steers back on topic* Ok, let’s get back to the polish!

Dance Legend Candy Flakes 614 Final Fantasy

The bottle is of Dance Legend’s standard size and design, with a label on the bottom:

Dance Legend Final Fantasy from Candy Flakes

DL Final Fantasy is a purple jelly with red micro shimmer and blue/green flakes of all sizes. The polish is very bright and shiny in the sun or artificial light, and most of its awesomeness is still present in the daylight, which is really good.

The application is ok, but since Final Fantasy is a jelly you’ll need more than one coat to get full opacity. Actually, in the pics I have 3 coats of FF topped with a clear glossy top.

Purple flakes nail polish

If you like this flakie you can find it on the official Dance Legend website here, where Final Fantasy is for $9.00 per 15ml standard size bottle. Also keep in mind that there are 5 more shades in the Candy Flakes collection, so be sure to check them out :) Dance Legend ships internationally, and you can also buy DL polishes in their partner web stores in the USA, Brazil, France, Netherlands and UK.

Dance Legend Final Fantasy 614

That’s it for today! Thank you for looking and… I see you soon, right? ;)

8 Comment

  1. Oh, this is gorgeous!!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      It is isn’t it? :)

  2. Your very lucky to swatch such a beauty! I saw a few Dance Legend polishes and they all won my heart, they all have something special exactly like this – Final Fantasy!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      I agree, Dance Legend has lots and lots of pretty nail polishes with different finishes and textures :) I think Final Fantasy is one of my favourite purple flakies now :)

  3. That is SO fitting for Final Fantasy! It makes me think of flashy summons and finishing moves! I’ve been swayed to buy a polish because of the name before too, and this name is really making me to get this, on top of it being a gorgeous polish.

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Good to know I’m not alone among nail polish fans who love Final Fantasy games :) I’m glad you liked the color :)

  4. Flakies :D nice one although I would probably use it just as a topper over a purple

    1. Mari says: Reply

      yep, flakies :) I’m sure Final Fantasy will look great layered over a purple, perhaps there will be less depth, but the effect will still be wonderful, not to mention the fact that it’ll be easier to remove the polish later :)

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