Colors by Llarowe Ted’s Laugh

Today I’d love to show you a beautiful shimmer from a new to me brand Colors by llarowe, or CBL as its founder Leah Ann LaRowe often calls it. I guess you’ve heard about the talented lady and her Llarowe online shop of exotic nail polishes from around the world.

Colors by Llarowe Ted's Laugh

As the bottom label says, the beauty is called Ted’s Laugh:

Llarowe Ted's Laugh bottle

The bottle contains 12ml of polish which is enough for many manicures :)

Colors by Llarowe Ted's Laugh

Ted’s Laugh is not that easy to describe. In short it’s a teal/blue based chameleon nail polish with lots of sparkling purple shimmer. Its color changes at different angles from dusty teal and blue to mysterious green and purple. An amazing effect that is better seen in real life than in pictures.

Here’s a pic to show you the blue base of the polish:

Colors by Llarowe CBL polish

Apart from the complex color of Ted’s Laugh, I also liked its brush, it is wide enough but not too thick, and its shape is very similar to the famous OPI brush. Being used to the OPI brush, I had no problem applying the CBL polish, and I didn’t need any correction :)

Colors by Llarowe brush nail polish

A macro of the shimmer (3 coats with a fast drying glossy top):

LLarowe Ted's Laugh shimmer macro

I couldn’t find the polish in the Llarowe online catalog of CBL colors, so maybe it’s temporary out of stock…

Purple green shimmer nail polish

That’s it for today, I hope you liked Ted’s Laugh! I’ve got 4 more Llarowe polishes to review, so you’ll see them here in the near future :)

8 Comment

  1. Wow, this is stunning!!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you Jamie! Nice to see you ;)

  2. I still have to try Llarowe :) This one looks fantastic!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Ted’s Laugh looks very beautiful in the bottle and in person too! I forgot to mention that Llarowe polishes are 5 free, so they are also harmless :)

  3. I have something similar from Max Factor, and I love it! Great pictures and you captured so well the beauty of the polish! Until I don’t forget, I tagged you with the Liebster Award at my blog. If you like it, you could answer to the questions. Thank you.

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you dear :) I know that Max Factor has (or had?) a shimmer Fantasy Fire that is quite popular among nail polish fans. Unfortunately I don’t have the polish, so I cannot compare them..
      Thank you for the award, I’m happy to be nominated! :)

  4. It looks good in the bottle, on your nails and I’m sure that in real life it looks even better! :-)

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Ted’s Laugh is a beautiful shimmer indeed! Perhaps it’s a bit sheer but still very nicely looking when it reaches opaqueness :)

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