Pink organza & rhinestones

Today’s theme is “Inspired by fashion”, and I must admit, I spent a long time looking through Google images trying to find something suitable, inspirational and fashionable. There were so many amazing dresses, shoes, bags, scarves! I was completely lost among colors and styles. I think it’s the most inspirational theme of the Challenge :)
Anyway, here’s what I came up with:

Pink nails design

First of all, let me show you the Inspiration – it’s a Versace dress from Fall 2012 collection:

Versace Fall 2012 dress

Would I wear this dress? Absolutely! …and I don’t want to know its price :D I’m just happy it gave me the inspiration I needed to create a nail design :)

Pink nails with stamping

Obviously, the design is not the exact match to the dress. My initial thoughts of the manicure were a bit different, but the main idea is the same – to do something light and airy on a nude base with pink/white accents. At the end I added rhinestones, but before that I took some pics of the rhinestone-less design.

Pink and white nails with flowers

The manicure was easy to do – I painted my nails with a pink nude nail polish (Lumene 13 Full of Peonies), and draw a white stripe on each nail with a regular nail polish brush (OPI Alpine Snow). After that I added white, pink, coral and purple using the saran wrap technique. After the background was done, I stamped flowers using m50 Konad plate and a dark purple (OPI We’ll Always Have Paris). As a final touch I added tiny pink rhinestones.

Pink floral nail design

…and that was my Day 25: Inspired by fashion nails :) I hope the design captured the idea of the Versace dress.
Thank you for reading! xxx

12 Comment

  1. This is a beautiful result and the perfect match for the dress!!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you Maria! :)

  2. stacy says: Reply

    Wow! This is seriously SO freaking beautiful and such a fantastic representation of the inspiration dress (which is full on amazeballs!!)!!

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Hello, Stacy :) Thanks for the comment and I’m glad you liked y fashion inspired nail design :))

  3. I really like what you did on your nails, but the dress itself I don’t like. Halle Berry wore it on this year Golden Globes it’s all little too much for me.

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Wow thanks for the info! :) You made me google for Halle Berry and Golden Globe awards :D I admit I’m far from events like this, and I don’t follow who-wore-what news, but it was interesting to see the dress in real even if red carpet life :)

  4. I would also wear that dress, and that manicure, I love them both :)

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you! ;)

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous! How did you achieve that efect underneath the flowers?

    1. Mari says: Reply

      Thank you Roxy! I did the background using the so-called saran wrap technique, that gives a semi transparent marble look :)

      1. Thank you so much for the answer! And you used more colors right? I’m asking because I want to replicate this, I don’t know if I’ll succeed but I’ll give you credit if I do :D
        I totally love how it looks

        1. Mari says: Reply

          np :) like I said, I drew random wide stripes with Alpine Snow over my nude painted nails (a stripe per nail), and after that I “saran wrapped” pink, pastel coral, white, beige and purple – I think these are all the colors I used, they mixed a bit on my nails, that’s why it may look like I used more colors.
          As far as I remember, the order of saran wrapping was: pink -> beige -> coral -> purple (mixed with a bit of white) -> white
          That’s it, I hope it’ll help :) I’m already curious to see your interpretation of the manicure! :))

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